

Blind Spot GmbH
Name Blind Spot GmbH
Ticker BSGH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Deceroc Dreamchaser
Members 8
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98470407

Members [8]


Blind Spot GmbH - Thank you for your purchase.

Focus: industry, trading
Language: german
Localisation: Sinq Laison, High-Sec
Recruiting: currently closed

We are a small group of producers and miners, focused on marketing and private trade.

Deceroc Dreamchaser - CEO
Lena Fireblade - Co-CEO
(Contact for general questions)

Alexander Piccochielli - Recruiter
(Contact for questions about joining us)

Satsuya Kurohana - Trade Agreements
(Contact for everything around trades between you and us)

We operate mostly in high-sec around Dodixie, where we mine minerals and produce goods (mostly ammunition and T1 and T2 ships).

We offer other corps to trade with us. Just send trade-offers to Satsuya Kurohana.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-06 19:36:16
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