Thriving where we are unwelcomeWe are the industrial backbone of Bloodhusk, operating in high-sec & low-sec. We mine ice, moons, and ore, build fuel blocks, ships, and weapons, and stand ready to defend what\u2019s ours.
What We Do:
\u2714 High-sec ice & moon mining
\u2714 Industry & shipbuilding
\u2714 Low-sec mining ops under fire
\u2714 Access to null-sec PvP & industry via
Bloodhusk &
RISESWho We Want:
\u2714 Miners, industrialists, and haulers looking to thrive in hostile space
\u2714 PvP-curious pilots who want a path into Bloodhusk\'s null-sec warfare
\u2714 Players who can adapt, endure, and profit despite the odds
We build in defiance, we mine under fire, we do it for our haters'