

Bohemian Veterans
Pandemic Horde
Name Bohemian Veterans
Ticker --BV-
Alliance Pandemic Horde
Faction -
Ceo yokozunacz
Members 129
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 803493697

Members [129]


u'Bohemian Veterans je korporace zam\u011b\u0159en\xe1 na pokro\u010dilej\u0161\xed eve hr\xe1\u010de :) Nejsme \u017e\xe1dn\xe1 HC korporace, ale hrajeme pro radost, nechceme si z EVE ud\u011blat druhou pr\xe1ci. NOV\xc1\u010cKY BEREM, ale jen a POUZE po pohovoru s direktorem. Podm\xednka je aktivita a aktivn\xed pou\u017e\xedv\xe1n\xed TS.

V\u0161e d\u016fle\u017eit\xe9 je na

- Pat\u0159\xedme k sov warfare alianci
- hodn\u011b se zam\u011b\u0159ujeme na pvp a to od mal\xfdch gang\u016f a\u017e po velk\xe9 fleety
- rattujeme, PLEXujeme a t\u011b\u017e\xedme v\u0161e, co najdeme
- m\xe1me taky industry z\xe1kladnu a dok\xe1\u017eeme vyr\xe1b\u011bt v\u0161echno, co n\xe1s napadne
- jako komunika\u010dn\xed prost\u0159edek pou\u017e\xedv\xe1me TeamSpeak 3.

N\xe1bor: Veterans Klan kontaktujte tam \u010dlena BV

N\xc1BOR OTEV\u0158EN - aplika\u010dky bez p\u0159ede\u0161l\xe9 domluvy s BV direktorem budou automaticky zam\xedt\xe1ny.

Bohemian Veterans Corporation is focused on recruiting experienced players of CZ/SK nationality. If you can\'t speak cz or sk... don\'t even bother.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-01-18 08:00:31
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