

Bojangles Mining Industries
Name Bojangles Mining Industries
Ticker -BOMI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Miselata
Members 3
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98012424

Members [3]


Bojangles Mining Industries

We are a peaceful mining and supply corporation. We are capable of mining and supplying other corporations or alliances with materials. We are small and looking for members that are ready for mining operations and supply runs. We can fill almost any supply contracts, within reasonable times.

Rank system: Our rank system is based on time and work for the corporation. The higher ranks the higher monthly pay.

Rank Display: Your Rank will show like this:
Captain = Slays = commander bob
(RANK) = stationed system = (your acting commander) or (system commander/captain/region admiral)

Flag Officers

Vice Admiral:
Rear Admiral:

Officer Ranks


Non- commissioned

Chief Petty Officer
Petty Officer 1st class
Master Pilot
Able Pilot

Corporation Shares

Ranks determine your pay, and your standing. However owing more shares makes you higher standing in business situations. A Lieutenant with 100 shares has more say then a Captain with 25 shares, but only in decisions that are corporate, such as taking a large ore or ship building contract.

Ventrilo Server:

In the situation the CEO is voted out, a new CEO must be voted in. The CEO steps down to the rank of Rear Admiral. If the CEO decided to step down he must first vote for a new CEO.

Regulations for joining the corporation:

You must have good security status
You must not steal
You must not Flame Rage or spam other players, corporations or alliances

Disregard for the rules and regulations can result in a court martial, expulsion, or payment for the damages.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 15:11:49
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