Newbie friendly corp! Does New Eden seem big bad and scary? Interested in mining and industry? Come join, make friends, and find your place in the universe.
"You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about highsec and democracy. There is no highsec. There is no democracy. There is only GoonSwarm, and Test, and CODE., RvB, and Brave. Those are the nations of the universe today. What do you think the Red Alliance talk about in their councils of state, Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do. We no longer live in a universe of nations and ideologies, capsuleer. The universe is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The universe is a business, capsuleer. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, capsuleer, to see that... perfect world... in which there's no war or famine, oppression or brutality. One vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock. All necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you, capsuleer, to preach this evangel."
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 08:57:07