This is a PVP Corp, and as such does not accept applications from people who just want to mine. If you happen to mine for isk and PVP exceptions to this rule can be made. Because of this lack of industrial side of the corp there is nothing required of its memebers other than putting kills on the killboard.
Diplomatic contact: Haakmed
1) PVP is a must, you can do whatever you need to to make isk but if a CTA is called or Home defence fleet required I expect pilots
2) Have fun, We all pay to play this game if you don't have fun with it you are doing something wrong.
3) fight smart, I would rather have fewer kills and no losses than a million kills and a million losses and you wanting to participate in fights.
4) Must have an active account (non trial) and be able to fly a battle cruiser with correct mods.
5) Voice comms are required. Typing is ok but its the only way to make fleets work and its better just all around for chatting.
If you are interested in joining talk to Haakmed and we shall see what we can do to make it work.
These Random Apps will not be accepte
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 03:58:50