

Brimstone Order
Name Brimstone Order
Ticker SULPH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Damminson
Members 1
URL http://work in progress
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 867731846

Members [1]


***We are currently not recruiting***

We believe in the value of the person. We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. We also believe that you as a pilot are worth more than the ship you fly. Ships can be replaced, but pilots are priceless. We want dedicated pilots to paricipate in daily activities. We are all 0.0 experienced pilots who frequent various areas in empire and 0.0 for ratting, mining, and PvP. Any amount of skill points considered, but you need to meet certain requirements to avoid a newb slaughter in 0.0. PvP is a must as all ops require protection. Participation is a must. Voice communication is a must. Lust for isk and glory is a must.

For more info, send an eve mail to the pilots listed below or you can join the brimstone chat channel for recruiting, 0.0. alliance info or even if you are just exploring your options. If you are going to look somewhere, why not check us out. you might decide to stay. Even if you are just starting eve and you aren't ready for what we have to offer, we know other corps that can help you find your path in eve.

-Politics or Recruitment (Gotrek65)
-Industry (Gotrek65)

Vent Server and Killboard

*training available

-low sec

-T2 Research
-Capital Production

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 04:16:24
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