

Bring Back Mulan Schezuan Sauce
Name Bring Back Mulan Schezuan Sauce
Ticker 97YRS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Putin OnDaRitz
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98510531

Members [1]


Welcome to the darkest year of our adventures! First thing that's different?! NO MORE DAD MORTY. He threatened to turn me in to the government so I made HIM AND THE GOVERNMENT go away! I replaced them both as the defacto patriarch of your family and your universe. Your mom wouldn't have accepted me if I came home without you and your sister so now you know the real reason I rescued you. I JUST TOOK OVER THE FAMILY MORTY. And if you tell your mom or sister I said any of this I'LL DENY IT and they'll take my side because I'm a HERO MORTY and now you're gonna have to do whatever I say MORTY. FOREVER and I'll go out and find some more of that Mulan Schezuan Teriyaki dipping sauce MORTY. Because THAT's what this is all about MORTY. That's my one arm man. I'm not driven by avenging my dead family MORTY, that was FAKE. I'm driven by finding that McNugget Sauce. I want that Mulan McNugget Sauce MORTY. That's my series' arc MORTY. If It takes 9 seasons I want my McNugget dipping sauce Schezuan Sauce MORTY. It's gonna take us all the way to the end MORTY. 9 more seasons Morty. 9 more seasons until I get that dipping schezuan sauce. For 97 more years MORTY. I want that McNugget Sauce MORTY.

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Last Update: 2025-02-22 21:15:00
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