

Brutal Brutors
Name Brutal Brutors
Ticker BRUTR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sin Deathclaw
Members 14
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98160413

Members [14]


2 Division Commanders : 1 Combat 1 Industrial
4 Squad Leaders 2 Combat 2 Industrial
50 Recruits / Warriors / Miners / Noobs & Vets
A good Corporation has a mix of fighters and Industrialists. Without resources the warriors cant go to war. And without warriors the Industrialists cant mine the ore. The corporation is looking for members who are active and enjoy Eve.

No whiners. No beggers. No undermining the command staff. Otherwise have fun mine lots of ore and kill alot of ships. Our goal is to make a name for ourselves as well rounded and as a tuff adversary. Dont be shy! put in an application even if your a new player. If that dont work shoot me an E-Mail. ------NEW CORP------

2% Tax Rate
Eve Voice / TS3


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 00:11:30
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