

CORE Engineering
Name CORE Engineering
Ticker C-ENG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Admiral Turak
Members 9
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98126496

Members [9]


CORE ENGINEERING is a small industrial based corporation that has been trading since 2009. We have the end goal of becoming a major influeance within New Eden and one day becoming a power-house for R&D, Manufacturing and Sovereignty Operations.


CORE ENGINEERING is currently seeking members.

* MIssion Runners, Explorers, Miners, PvE/PvP Pilots all welcome.
* Members should be self-sufficent.
* Follow and adhere to our N.R.D.S policy.
* Willing to work with the corporation/alliance to achieve our end goals.
* Must beable to HAVE FUN!
* Must be active and NOT on TRIAL ACCOUNT.

CORE ENGINEERING is offering (once established):

* ORE purchase program.
* Access to BLUEPRINT copy's complete with FULL ME/TE research.
* MINING operations & PvP/PvE operations (Once established)
* NEW PLAYER FREINDLY corporation.
* CITADEL open for docking, research and refining.

Please contact ADMIRAL TURAK for details via EVE Mail, join channel CORE Info or click CORE Engineering - Recruiting to join.

(Please allow upto 48 hours for your application/info request to be processed)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:59:00
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