

Ticker SI842
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Cryostasis Dethahal
Members 2
Tax Rate 11%
corporationID 98562876

Members [2]


About us: From the shadows we come, cold as ice and hard as stone. First one, then another and another then altogether The Legion desends. Ruthless and unrelenting in our mission, we storm the gates of hell, the task is to great for anything less. Destruction in our wake of the fallen opposition, we stand on the frozen wasteland of battle, Supply will never fail, our mission will never fail. CRYOLORDS INC8. Who will you trust for your supplys in combat?!?!
Corp Services:
-Supply Chain Managment
-Mining opperation Facilitation/Managment
-Combat Resupply (coming soon)


CRYOLORDS INC8 We are looking for new and veteran pilots alike for Mining, Industry and 12 combat pvp slots* (*4 of those slots must be players with 50mil combat sp or greater ask for details) join CRYOLORDS INC8 Recruitment.

-New Pilots: You are welcome to come and train and grow with us, You will learn how to work
Solo, In Fleets. Proper Ship Fittings, Character Skill Training and soo much much more. See were we can take each other

-Veteran Pilots: Welcome and Thank you for your consideration in Cryolords INC8. Your knowledge
and Skills are priceless in our Corp function, our buisness and services we porvide. you are eligible for leadership position upon request and subbmission of appliction you will need to have a fully disclosed API/verient of all chars, and tell me what why.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 06:21:15
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