

Capital Construction Corp.
Name Capital Construction Corp.
Ticker CCOCP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Laura Uchonela
Members 3
Tax Rate 2.5%
corporationID 1468975833

Members [3]


Recruiter: Jilly Nilly

With a library of over 300 blueprints, Capital Construction Corp manufactures ships and ship equipment of all kinds while specializing in the construction of capital ship components. We are an established corporation that has been around for years, providing our members with a relaxed, stable, friendly corporation where they can earn isk, learn and have fun.

Whether you're an experienced vet looking for a solid, growing corp where your expertise will directly impact our success or a new player in need of a corporation where you can learn the ropes and prosper, there is a place for you in CCC.

Corporation focus:
- Mining

* Experienced miner looking for a place to sell your ore? New player looking for help getting into a hulk or funding you skill training? We take all kinds!
- R&D (blueprint development, research, invention, etc.)
- Manufacturing & Production

* Want to learn how to make stuff? Learn how to read the market and determine profit margins? Manufacturing might be the job for you.
- Transportation, Trade & contract running
* Want to see the universe and make money doing it? Like long adventures through dangerous space? Join us and haul both for the corp and for private contracts.
- Mission Running
* We are looking for heavy PvE mission running pilots. Level 4 missions available.
- Planetary Interaction
* Don't know how? We'll teach you!
- Exploration
* Preferably looking for experienced players in this field to round out our group but we will consider newer players.

What we offer:
- Dedicated and active player base spanning US, EU & AUS/NZ time zones
- Active, friendly corp & voice chat
- Offices located in multiple regions/factions of high sec space
- Low tax rate
- Regular mining ops w/ full bonus' from skilled Orca pilots serving all time zones
- Corp ore buying program
- Free ships (for those that qualify)
- Free replacements (for those that qualify)
- No skill requirements
- Skill books provided to new characters and to others that qualify
- Willing to teach new pilots

For motivated individuals interested in corporation building there is room for advancement. Profit sharing and shareholding is available to all members. For members that contribute consistently we offer compensation in the form of PLEX. We conduct exploration and/or mining expeditions for all members to take part in. Individuals can participate as much or as little as they like in corp politics and business.

Notice to Applicants:
All applications are subject to an interview and may be subject to additional reviews as well. This process will normally be conducted during your interview but may add time to the review process.

Characters under 14 days old will not be accepted but are encouraged to join our public channel at CCOCP and apply when they have reached the appropriate character age.

Application must include:
Your characters
Character ID
Limited API - Must include standings
Time Zone
Active play time (in Eve time)
In what activities you would take part for CCC

API can be found here:
Please understand that applications which do not follow this format will be rejected. We will attempt to contact the applicant to let them know why.

President & CEO - Dayltor

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-22 01:25:40
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