

Capsuleer Races And Violent Events Inc.
Name Capsuleer Races And Violent Events Inc.
Ticker CRAV3
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Rule18
Members 3
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98023192

Members [3]


CRAVE - Asset Accrual

This itteration of the CRAVE project has one purpose and one purpose only: make isk turn into more isk.

We opperate with a few simple rules
There are a few very simple rules which corp members must abide by
1. All members register at the corp website (
2. All members contribute 10% of their trade proffits to the corp wallet (once market ops are up and running)
3. All members actively participate in all corp activities, bulletins and discussions.
4. All members update their active orders at least once per day
5. All members are consious of other members' trading hubs and actively avoid interfering with eachothers' business

We are currently seeking
1. Trader applications (corp membership)
-must b a designated trading toon
-must actively pursue trade training
-must supply api
2. Business contacts
-Banking, savings, loans, bonds etc
-Miners / Indi players seeking resellers
-Independent traders willing to work together
-Web developers
-Mercenaries / pirates / spies

Recruiting Open
Recruiting Contact Rule18
Business Contact Rule18

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 09:20:49
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API J:18 Mar 10:38 K:18 Mar 10:34 C:18 Mar 11:13 A:18 Mar 11:11 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:18 Mar 10:48 S:18 Mar 10:33 W:18 Mar 10:15