

Celestial Market and Asset Reclamation Services
Utaegan Sector Asset Management Syndicate
Name Celestial Market and Asset Reclamation Services
Ticker CIEMS
Alliance Utaegan Sector Asset Management Syndicate
Faction -
Ceo Mishra Zikhailova
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98616263

Members [2]


We provide Market and Structure Asset services to corps and regions which need them or can not afford their own.

Please contact us should you need our services. our structures are fully supplied with all services, rigs, and defenses, in your space at no cost to you.

We maintain control of the structure, and issue a minimal tax on all services (2% to 5%). Your Corporation or Alliance will have full access and control of the structure. We provide liason services as well to ensure your standings are always up to date.

In addition, we also offer a mercenary defense contract (Optional for a minimal tax increase on services) so that your station is always defended. Or you can choose to defend it yourself.

For more information please feel free to contact us.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 12:41:27
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