Name |
Center For Exploration Life And PVE |
Ticker |
Alliance |
- |
Faction |
- |
Ceo |
Mahayana Buddhadarma |
Members |
4 |
URL | |
Tax Rate |
1.8% |
corporationID |
98509093 |
Members [4]
u'You are not alone. There are many of us who choose exploration and other "people friendly" careers or paths in this divne universe, New Eden. Some of us are farmers, some of us are explorers. Others are industrious or builders -and even merchants. Some are loners, some are networkers. But we all share these few, but fundemental truths -as common:
-We do not enjoy causing harm to others
-We do not wish to rob others of thier territories or belongings. If we have to take something from them we give it back -and a little more for their troubles
-We sometimes want to feel connected to others, but may not necesarily want to be present. e.g. sharing the love... at a distance
-We want to have support and a common place where we can call home.
-We enjoy contributing in our own way, under our cooperative umbrella.
Our founding charter is as follows:
1. We have no desire to cause harm to others players. An act of aggression
towards us will be returned with an an act of compassion, or even the
extension of a hand of friendship. We will not judge any member for their religious choices, their choice of
lifestyle, or their character looks. We will judge only based on this
founding charter, and past player history.
3. New members who wish to achieve our standards for living, but fall short,
will be mentored and evaluated by an existing member Guru. If, at the end
of the mentorship, the student fails to achieve the level of enlightenment
required (in the Guru\'s eyes), the student has the right to an independent
4. We will always work constructively and maintain professionalism when
working or interacting directly with CCP. If we want to make change in the
game to better reflect our type of lifestyle and roles, we will only make
progress through positive cooperation.
5. We will stand for justice, love, peace, and harmony in New Eden.
6. In the game, we will strive for enlightenment through The Four Noble
Truths and The Eightfold Path. While these are not religion, nor are they theistic;
they do share commonality with the foundations of almost every major and
minor religion. How you choose to package your path is up to you -the
important part is that you come to know and understand and live by the
fundamental truths. In this way, we loosely follow some of the lore of
New Eden, albeit -very loosely. (Zen Buddhism)
7. Logic based on fundamental truth shall always be upheld and lived by
in CFEL. We will also follow Rumi Shanti\'s doctrine, Principals, Philosophy,
and Physics (The Path of the Three P\'s)
8. The only acts of violence tolerated towards other human beings are acts
of "compassionate violence". (This will be described later, but includes
reasons like -when someone is actively hunting you.)
We can be story writers, and write our own history. We can be inventors and produce all kinds of useful tools. We can be tenders of the crops of ore that are the backbone of our industry. We Can Explore.
The Temple of CFE will be our head of state. Our board will be (initially) selected from the first 20 founding members. Later, as CFEL grows, we will have elections, but I will hold the power of veto, although very strict criteria has to be met in order for me to enact it. This is to prevent spies and imposters from infiltrating our communities and destroying us from the inside out.
Taxes will be used for infrastructure for our community as we grow. Over time, a financial watchdog committee will continually audit our finances to ensure integrity. Salaries and honorariums will be permitted, but under close scrutiny.
Our early missions are as follows:
-Finding a home
-Finding and mapping safe routes through low/nulsec
-Networking new members
-Establish Temple, begin indoctrinations based on Mahayana Buddhism, and Non-Duality \u201cwaves only, there are no particles!\u201d (Principals, Philosophy, and Physics(The Path of the Three P\u2019s)
-building a sleeper network'
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 09:23:07