

Dark Squirrel Syndicate
Name Ch31fda10r14n5LS
Ticker C3110
Alliance Dark Squirrel Syndicate
Faction -
Ceo the directorr
Members 27
Tax Rate 25%
corporationID 98707532

Members [27]


Welcome To ChiefdalorianLS

We are a sister Corp of Chiefdalorians which operates in High Sec

Any and all new to eve are welcome to join us. We are looking to grow and experience the game and all its aspects.

New Players
-New players will be gifted a starter Frigate/Destroyer with basic weaponry.
-Should going in on fleet mining to reap the benifits of the bulk mining operations.

Experienced players
-Please let us know what experience you have and you'll be given a roll specific to past experience.
-Should help new players in finding there place in the Corp.


-Don't grief Friendly or blue taged players
-Be an active member of the corp contribute where you can and join fleets when you can.
-Friendly Fire is not tolerated!!
-Bullying or and intolerance of any kind will not be tolerated, be patient with new players, teach and learn where and when you can.
-Follow Allience Rules

We are a Null Sec Corp so expect to die or lose your ships it happens and is part of the game
Chiefdalorians are here to grow with the members, PVP in unavoidable but until we grow we cannot help out in that regard.

Discord is on SeAT once you are there please wait in welcome for an admin to assist you!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 09:18:36
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