

Chaotic Descent
Name Chaotic Descent
Ticker 3RD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lady Dremora
Members 3
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1285266907

Members [3]


0.0 Based
New Characters Welcome
New and old players welcome, must be willing to move to 0.0 space and be interested in pvp, plex runing and helping to build a successfull corporation. We're looking for active TEAMPLAYER'S. The corps not very big at the moment it's just starting up but their's plenty of poeple to interact with in are alliance so you'll never be stuck for something to do. VENTRILLO @ TEAMSPEAK NEEDED

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 13:53:41
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