

Chen and Paplinski Industries
Name Chen and Paplinski Industries
Ticker CPIT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Biggest Baddest Dragon
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98365673

Members [1]


u'CEO: Roubens Sassoire

PvP We love NPSI fleets; Stealth Bombers and Frigate Roams. Join today for Low-Drama PewPew fun!

Exploration Use a T2 covops ship like a Buzzard. This Exploration fit works well. We love staking out wormholes and completing relic sites while stealth bombers lie in wait. Tripwire helps a LOT.

Mining Bring any mining boat, like a Venture, Covetor, or Hulk to one of our Orca-Boosted fleets and earn your fair share, either in time, or m\xb3, depending on the fleet.


Membership Benefits:

\u2747 A strong support group with all the resources to help you start
\u2747 An active corp and alliance; there\'s ALWAYS something to do
\u2747 Ever expanding Ship Replacement Program (Doctrine Frigates for now)
\u2747 New-Player-Friendly atmosphere
\u2747 Based near Jita for market access
\u2747 Mining and Industry support
\u2747 Introduction to NPSI (\'Not Purple Shoot It" fleet operations)


Corp Goals:

\u2747 Recruit more members. Strength in numbers!
\u2747 Develop combat capabilities. We want to drop supercaps on a whim one day!
\u2747 Develop industry capabilities
\u2747 Develop wallet thickness



\u2747 Real life comes first
\u2747 Seniority means little. We\'re all equals
\u2747 Members have got to help each other out. This is what makes the game fun
\u2747 Every one of us represents the corp and alliance

\u2747 Have. Fun. '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 04:10:53
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