

Children of Xicho
Name Children of Xicho
Ticker NOOOB
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Muhammed Jafar
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 694633587

Members [1]


***Children of Xicho - Building A Better Empire***

Make Sure To Join Our Public Channel: EMP Recruiting

Children of Xicho is a recruitment management corporation for Insidious Empire. We're here to help guide you into the right corporation in Insidious Empire as well as provide rental assistance.

Insidious Empire is a strong and active 0.0 based alliance. We're a proud ally of Pandemic Legion, NCdot, Nulli Secunda, Spaceship Samurai, and other N3 members. We currently live in Cobalt Edge. We offer a PVP rich environment with plenty of opportunities to make friends and become part of something greater than ourselves.

With Insidious Empire you can truly experience everything Eve Online has to offer. We have awesome fleets led by some of the best fleet commanders in the game, Colbalt Edge provides excellent money making opportunities, and we've got the community to back it up.

We've got great space, great people, and we're going to keep it that way.
Head Recruiter: Nihilistic Tryhard - Eve-Mail If AFK or Offline

*** Recruiting Requirements ***
Recruitment: Open
- Recruiting Across All Timeszones!
- 10mil SP minimum Requirement
- Able To Access IRC & Mumble

Prospective Applicants Please Provide In An Eve-Mail:
- FULL API Key ID / vCode / mask
- A Word About Yourself & Goals

Please do not apply to any Insidious Empire corporation until asked to do so.

*** Rental Information ***
Please contact Nihilistic Tryhard through Eve-Mail to discuss rental opportunities.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 09:17:35
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