

Children of the green Sun
Name Children of the green Sun
Ticker COTGS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Niemand Niemals
Members 5
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98096400

Members [5]


Children of the Green Sun are a Clan, created in/for Mount&Blade Warband - cRPG Mod. Since we think conquering only Calradia is not enough we joined EVE-online to look for a Place to stay in the Universe.

The Clanleader is Niemand Niemals but you can also contact Jasmes Isagar, since he is our Advisor for EVE.

We require steam to play with us (since we mostly communicate that way)!!! Add "illuminu" there if you wanna join us.

Our Corp is mostly not into PvP, we are traders, miners and producers. We welcome everyone in our rows that fits to us.

The Clan itself is german-speaking only, but for EVE we do not care about that. Only thing is: you gotta understand english and be able to write it. If you got teamspeak and want to join us there you should maybe be able to speak it.

If you want some kind of roleplay-background: CotgS is looking for a system with a green sun/star to settle there.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 19:33:10
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