

Clann Fian
Name Clann Fian
Ticker CLANN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Bank Win
Members 9
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 869822008

Members [9]


u'Public Channel: CLANN Fian Public

We follow a NBSI (not blue shoot it) ROE (Rules of Engagement) Eve Wide. If we decide to talk things out whatever deals we offer will be followed, but make sure you are talking to someone in corp who has the power to negotiate. If you are offered a deal or safe passage we will honor it. If you are blue to our corp or alliance we will not shoot, but do not come into our wspace systems uninvited or you are hostile blue or no.

In wspace: if you are in a system where we have a POS and you have not announced yourself, you are a hostile. If you are in a system without a POS you are a hostile. If we are in your system an early convo might save you some grief, and might not.

In early Ireland, fianna (singular fian) were small, semi-independent warrior bands who lived apart from society in the forests as mercenaries, bandits and hunters, but could be called upon by kings in times of war.

Membership was subject to rigorous tests. In one such test the applicant would stand in a waist-deep hole armed with a shield while nine warriors threw spears at him; if he was wounded, he failed. In another his hair would be braided, and he would be pursued through the forest; he would fail if he was caught, if a branch cracked under his feet, or if the braids in his hair were disturbed. He would have to be able to leap over a branch the height of his forehead, pass under one as low as his knee, and pull a thorn from his foot without slowing down. He also needed to be a skilled poet.

We have three mottoes:

* Glaine \xe1r gcro\xed (Purity of our hearts)
* Neart \xe1r ng\xe9ag (Strength of our limbs)
* Beart de r\xe9ir \xe1r mbriathar (Action to match our speech)

The tradition of the Fiana lives on in Clann Fian. If you believe you are equal to the task perhaps you can pursue the path of the Fian.

We are currently living and working in wspace while recruiting pilots - we have profitable work available for those interested in wspace - for all diplomatic or recruitment questions please contact Angus MacDoom, The Kopt, Cipreh, or Kathr

We are a proud member of the Merc Contracts channel, specializing in w-space mercenary work.

For hiring information contact: Cipreh'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 06:39:43
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