

Cloud Mine
Name Cloud Mine
Ticker CM9N
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo ArQubus
Members 6
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98398566

Members [6]


NRDS Compliant (Not Red Dont Shoot) When in Provi!

We are an indy corp we just want friendly people to enjoy the time with. Our corp has lived in null sec and wh spac. Our main goal on eve is to have fun, but at the same time Get trained up to send people ot our sistser corp in Null sec.

We have 1 Local ice belt. Great Ore belts for selling or building items. Good Source of PvE Sites.

last but not least very Friendly chat rooms and helpful people with any questions.

Open to Newbs and Vets. Only requirment is being fully PVP Passive and Full API.

Contact Ceo Michae Sasen or Co Ceo FrozenNova HoneyBadger or join the public channel Cloud Mine Public.
If we are unreachable talk to Zevix. He can get in touch with one of us for you.

Fly Safe.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 15:26:31
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API J:20 Mar 16:41 K:20 Mar 16:36 C:20 Mar 17:14 A:20 Mar 17:00 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:20 Mar 17:05 S:20 Mar 16:41 W:20 Mar 17:15