

Club a Seal
Name Club a Seal
Ticker CLU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Magdalena Ionesco
Members 28
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 810527440

Members [28]


"Because what the world needs is more sweet sweet seal clubbing." -Hamsalad

Club a Seal is not recruiting at this time.


Club A Seal corporation and it's pilot membership are dedicated to one or all of the following philosophies, depending upon the day of the week, the copious amounts of alcohol consumed and how many frozen corpses we have on hand in our hangers:

The rampant unchecked exploitation of natural and unnatural resources anywhere we can get our hands on them (including the ones in your pants).

A systematic devotion to the exploration of unknown space and it's related environs.

An unwavering and firm dedication to the tenants and principals of asymmetric warfare.

An almost fanatical adherence to the teachings of Theosophy and all of it's gloriously insane manicheanistic fervor.

Blind (and not so blind) hatred for anything or anyone who resembles a seal.

All Hail Diskordia

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-04 08:50:05
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