

Constellation Development Initiative
Keys Network
Name Constellation Development Initiative
Ticker CDXI
Alliance Keys Network
Faction -
Ceo Hund0 McFund0
Members 35
Tax Rate 0.1%
corporationID 98762808

Members [35]


CDXI serves as the executor of the KEYS Alliance

This role's exlusive responsibilities include:

- Paying the alliance maintenence bill
- Processing corporation applications
- Ensuring member corps remain non-war elligibile
- Setting allliance standings and standards in-line with NBSI conduct.
- Updating the alliance fittting library with viable fits for a variety of applications.
- Coordinating channel moderation, server management, and access list permissions

CDXI as a corporation supports the community through:
- Tending the market with placement of strategic orders.
- Current collaborative have been focused towards the upkeep of Niballe V - Moon 1 - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
- Providing contract work towards large goals such as structures, thier associated rigs, fuel for upkeep, and maintaining a reserve of ships for PVE and PVP handouts.
- Internal and external networking through in game channels and Discord server.
- Coordinating channel moderation, server management, and access list permissions
- Circulating industry imports that will allow Industrialists to engage in T1, T2, faction, pirate, Upwell, and limited capital production.
- Maintaining and growing a vast research library with BPOs and BPCs for local industry availability.
- Providing access to that library through a secure title system for maximum availability and participation.
- Stocking ships and supplies for handouts or replacement.
- Orienting pilots to corporations that will give them satisfaction and fufillment.

CDXI points of contact:
Key Points of Contact

All other inquires please Evemail:
- Hundo McFundo

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 21:50:16
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