

Copyright Legislation Inc.
Name Copyright Legislation Inc.
Ticker COPY.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Vak Avalhar
Members 1
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98649015

Members [1]



\u2022 Someone stole your memes, spreading them around New Eden as though they\'re the creator?
\u2022 Your artistic ambitions are in jeopardy by the actions of honourless imposters claiming your work as their own?
\u2022 An art thief isn\'t crediting a piece of art, text or formatting you lay claim to as the rightful owner?

Fret not! We at Copyright Legislation Inc. take our job *very* seriously and offer our services exclusively to the highest bidders on the free market.

In order to successfully represent your righteous interests we may or may not employ morally questionable practices in accordance with our own rather nebulous standards as listed in \xa7\xa7420/69 paragraph 7.7A of our corp statutes which may or may not be known and/or comprehensible to our employees.

Recruitment: Closed.

By having read this excerpt, you have agreed to our Terms of Services and bound yourself legally to conform to and agree with our decisions, standards and conventions as well as our fines and penalties for non conforming behavior and/or penalties to infractions of known and unknown as well as explicitly written and inexplicitly mentioned rules and regulations and furthermore declare yourself and your past and future creations to be at the mercy of Copyright Legislation Inc. and its rightful members.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 17:58:12
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