

Creative Possibilities
Name Creative Possibilities
Ticker CPOSS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Abu Laith
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1728755713

Members [1]


u'Come in! Hello, and welcome to my office! My office in a submarine!

Office\u2026 in a submarine!

Because that\u2019s what we\u2019re all about here at Creative Posibilities.

Office... submarine! Jujubes?

Would you like some jujubes?

Teapot\u2026 jujubes. Jujubes in a teapot. A teapot for tea, but with jujubes in it. Office\u2026 submarine!

You see, here at Creative Possibilties, we like to look at the world in a fresh and exciting way. The imagination is a dying animal. But here at Creative Possibilities we like to feed that animal, and give that animal room to roam.

Office\u2026 submarine!

While I think of it, can you guess what I\u2019m wearing for underwear?

The body of a guitar!

The body of a guitar in the place of underwear. Office\u2026 submarine! Creative Possibilities! Did I mention the imagination is a dying animal?

Good, just wanted to make sure I mentioned that.

Now how can I help you?

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 20:11:02
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