

CreoDron Test and Evaluation Command
The AII Systems Commonwealth
Name CreoDron Test and Evaluation Command
Ticker CDTEC
Alliance The AII Systems Commonwealth
Faction -
Ceo Ampoliros Ni-Dunes
Members 3
Tax Rate 25%
corporationID 98473513

Members [3]


u'CreoDron Test and Evaluation Command
is controlling the proving grounds facilities for experimental technologies and innovative concepts of modern planetary and space Drone Warfare.

Creodron was founded by Old Man Darieux after his return from his fantastic journey to the Ouperia system, As the largest drone developer and manufacturer in space, CreoDron has a vested interest in drone carriers but has recently begun to expand their design focus and employ drone techniques on whole other levels, as to an undisclosed extent overseen by the Test and Evaluation Command.

Public Test videos archive:

\u25a0 Ishkur (specs.)
\u25a0 Ishtar (specs.)
\u25a0 Sin (specs.)
\u25a0 Helios (specs.)
\u25a0 Magus (specs.)
\u25a0 Eos (specs.)
\u25a0 Anshar (specs.)'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-19 20:45:07
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