

Crimson Corporation
Name Crimson Corporation
Ticker JUICY
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Czcibor Przemo
Members 4
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 142446484

Members [4]


Foppish Dandies are gentlemen of wit and learning, who are known to jape and jest at the expense of others. They wear only the finest doublets and waistcoats, and their devastating bon mots are feared by ladies and gentlemen of good standing every-where.

Foppish Dandies tip their caps at jaunty, rakish or even saucy angles. They compose satirical quatrains while prancing merrily, gadding about gaily, kicking their heels to and fro.

They have also been known flout good taste by wearing the gaudiest and most ostentatious monocles. Some Foppish Dandies comport themselves in a boorish manner, and stay up all night drinking vermouth and squandering their family fortunes at whist.

"Lord Hamond Snape Titmarsh-Magpie comported himself in a most boorish manner, affecting the dress and japery of a Foppish Dandy and was slapped by no fewer than eight ladies of good standing for his bold and ribald comments. "

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-28 19:27:58
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