

Crimson Guard
Name Crimson Guard
Ticker CRIM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Orica Elsdragon
Members 2
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 267108286

Members [2]


u'The Crimson Guard is a corporation on the rise and building strength everyday. Experiance players and new pod pilots are all welcomed.

Just a warning for any and all who join, this is a very laid back corp but once we gain momentum we will advance in the below options.

\u2605Growing Corp Based In Amarr Space
\u2605No Skills Minimum
\u2605New Players And Veterans
\u2605Knowlegable People
\u2605Leadership Opportunities
\u2605Willing To Train New Pilots
\u2605Mining Ops (Orca Support)
\u2605Mission Ops (Up To Level IV)
\u2605Ship Replacement Program
\u2605Experienced And Helpful Pilots
\u2605Voice Communications
\u2605Industry Pilots Needed

Current Operations:
Mining, Salvaging and Manufacturing.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 00:40:48
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