

Crimson Horde
Name Crimson Horde
Ticker CRHO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Masaana Fera
Members 6
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98054485

Members [6]


Recruitment Status: Closed

We're a corporation in an alliance looking for more members from any skill levels or professions. For now, we will be sticking to solo and group mission running, mining operations, manufacturing and other forms of income-generating activites. In the near future, those who want to can engage in fleet operations and PvP.

How to Apply:
(1) Download Ventrilo from
(2) Make an account on our corporation website
(3) Apply to the in-game corporation by clicking on this link: Crimson Horde, and clicking apply to join in the bottom right.

What You Can Expect:
-A growing collection of guides and ship fittings to help you get on your feet
-Growing Corporation Hangar where you can get free equipment, ammo, ships, skillbooks, and command centers (for planetary interaction)
-Growing pvp ship replacement program
-A fun, active, friendly group of players that will provide you with any help you might need
-Fun Activities, including practice battles, group mission running, and mining operations (ALL ACTIVITIES ARE COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY, if you don't want to join, you don't have to.)
-A dedicated and growing mining division, if that's your thing
-Promotion and officership, if you prove yourself worthy

What We Expect:
-No Flakes/Corp Jumpers
-Friendly, mature attitude
-Dedication and loyalty to corp
-Make an account on our corporation website
-Check your eve mail/corporation website forums often (Website will be primary form of spreading messages, but until we have completed transferring everything, we will still be using Eve Mail)
-Respond to eve mails and website posts, and provide feedback
-Positively contributing to the corporation in some way

Contact Nikolai Alino should you have any questions.

Thank you for considering us!
Now I lay me down to sleep,
one less enemy this world does keep,
with all my heart I give my thanks,
to those in Crimson Horde regardless of ranks,
we serve our corp and serve it well,
with humble hearts our stories tell,
so as I rest my weary eyes,
while freedom rings our flag still flies,
you give your all, do what you must,
with God we live and God we trust.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 10:27:56
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