

Crossfire Mining and Manufacturing
Name Crossfire Mining and Manufacturing
Ticker CMM.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Luc Besson
Members 4
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98338851

Members [4]


u'Crossfire Mining and Manufacturing manufacture & service military and commercial spacecraft.

Frigate to Battleship; Industrial to Freighter; Noctis to Mining Barges; Modules, Drones, and Ammo; Shipping and Haul Services; and Civil to Military Special Operations.

Crossfire Mining and Manufacturing strives to achieve the highest quality and cost effectiveness.

Recruitment Contact: Thane Kuvora

We are always open to receive applications from motivated people. You\'re more than welcome to drop by our public recruitment channel for a chat.

Public/Recruitment Channel: XFM-M Recruitment

Crossfire Mining and Manufacturing is a Lowsec corporation formed by an enthusiastic and dedicated group of people.

Fortunately we have a strong, committed and motivated memberbase with a healthy mix of newer and veteran players. Our corporation can be characterized by our friendly atmosphere as one of the cornerstones of our community.

Ultimately we strive to make profit dependant on the needs of others in New Eden.

Our corporation prides itself with its strong and capable Industrial division, which forms the backbone of our Lowsec operations.

We are however not limited to the industrial side of EVE. We also open to the idea of players that like to participate in both PvE and PvP Combat.

We can offer
\u25ba Great 0.2 Nullsec Space
\u25ba Local Major & Minor Market Hubs
\u25ba Good space for Ratting (PvE)
\u25ba Corporation Industrial Operations
\u25ba Corporation Mining Operations
\u25ba Discord Server
\u25ba Guidance and Support
\u25ba Friendly and Relaxed Atmosphere
\u25ba Vibrant and diverse group of people to play with'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 19:34:20
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