

Crystal-Tech Logistics
Name Crystal-Tech Logistics
Ticker -CTL-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lucian Lyncher
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1539446776

Members [1]


.:Subject found: Crystal-Tech Logistics, (-CTL-)
.:Articles found:5
Stub of Article 1:
...Doors of CTL have opened today, heralding in yet another Capsuleer manufacturing and courier company. It is the opinion of this reporter that the universe has had enough of greedy little eggers soaking up all the ISK...

Stub of Article 2:
...which is all well and good, but there are rumors that one of the founding members of the company has been using the open-trade agreements of the company to drop emergency aid and supplies to planets most in need of it, particularly those stuck in the middle of the Militia wars..

Stub of Article 3:
...Join today! Accepting applications for dock handlers, planetary liasons, crew members, and physicians! Pay based on experience...

Stub of Article 4:
.... Openly recruiting capsuleers interesting in furthering our goals, and the depths of their wallets...

Stub of Article 5:
.. regular delivery contracts available, speak to one of our several representatives to organize routine delivery drops for your business, or warzone needs...

(Med-Heav RP corp)
(NBSI in Lowsec/Null sec for security concerns, sorry in advance..)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 10:08:42
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