

Cthonic Hecataea
Round Table Assembly
Name Cthonic Hecataea
Ticker CT-HE
Alliance Round Table Assembly
Faction -
Ceo Konar Agalder
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98697507

Members [1]


A formal corporation created to represent the interests and holdings of the Warclone Clan Cthonic Hecataea, Warclone membership cannot be accurately reflected at this time.

"My sources in the Empire Warclone community confirm that Case Green Magic involves the Sansha. Joining up for operations inside incursion systems is purely voluntary, as im sure you know what happens if Sansha gets a hold of you. But know this, we will be fighting for the preservation of mortal life and that wont go unnoticed. I know some of you arent too sure about fighting with Concord, but this could very well prevent another purge in the future."
- Excerpt from Woodrow Ormands address to gathered Warclones of the Bosena Accords, YC120

Originally formed in YC120, this warclone clan was formed in order to support efforts to assist in repelling Sansha's Nation Incursions by providing warclone Soldiers for boarding actions and to repel increased boarding activities.

Recently Cthonic Hecataea has begun taking contracts from local law enforcement and governments unable to keep up with both the warzone and the increases in pirate activity. The Warden has personally subsidized their costs and has dispatched a number of clans to take up these defensive contracts.

This Warclone clan has generally good standings with CONCORD due to their ongoing anti-Sansha's operations, including during Case Green Magic, this clan specializes in combatting Sansha's Nation Forces and equipment.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 08:33:15
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