

Cube Corp
Name Cube Corp
Ticker CUB3
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Scrap Ferret
Members 13
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1035698915

Members [13]


"Don't be a square, join cube corp today!"

In 2007 the members of Drakeal Inc. revolted against their corrupt and incompetent CEO and founded Cube Corp.
Led by the legenday pirate Maverick Miasma these relatively young pilots set out to make their own way in the universe. Business schemes, war decs and late night low sec gatecamps brought us closer as friends.
Though we did not conquer the universe we cirtainly made an impact on eachother.

Maverick Miasma passed from this world in 2019.

Today Cube Corp is maintained by Dante Tucker. Please send any inquiries to him or by discord Dante#9999

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 20:20:49
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