

CyberDyne industrial Agency
Name CyberDyne industrial Agency
Ticker C.1.A
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo DeusEx Yngve
Members 12
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1653407553

Members [12]


C.1.A Corp Needs YOU!
We need experienced and novice pilots alike. All skillsets and races welcome.
Join resources, complete fleet-ops, enhance your fleet skills and advance your knowledge in EVE with MIA Eve Corp Today.
We can offer great clan support, dedicated website and populated Teamspeak Server as well as lasting friendships.
If Interested Contact DeusEx Yngve or Rostok Kemal or Fred SinClair for more details on joing the corp.

Our web site:
MIA's TeamSpeak 3

Host by for detail on MIA Social Gaming Networking. For info. on both MIA and CIA contact: DeusEx Yngve and Fred SinClair.
(Notic to newplayers to EVE: Please join us on MIA's TeamSpeak and before joining C1A.)

We are member of G Shot Alliances

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 14:11:22
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