

D4L Incorporated
Name D4L Incorporated
Ticker D4LI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sophie Ivanovic
Members 4
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98342702

Members [4]


u'D4L Incorporated is a member corporation of the Industrial Conglomerate of Eve (ICEVE).

There\'s a pretty good story behind the name - ask our CEO Aleksandr Ivanovic about it, one day.

What we offer
\u272a Regular and organised alliance wide activities
\u272a Mining boosts, high refining yields and access to null sec ores
\u272a Training and support for new and old players
\u272a Mission support for levels 1-4
\u272a 24/7 privately hosted voice comms
\u272a Lower tax than NPC corps
\u272a Incentive programs and competitions
\u272a Ship fitting advice

What we want
\u272a Active Pilots in US/EU timezone
\u272a A bit of banter!
\u272a Willingness to have fun and enjoy the game
\u272a Active participation on voice comms

Recruitment Requirements
\u272a You must submit a FULL, UNLIMITED ACCOUNT API KEY - no exceptions
\u272a No trial accounts
\u272a Committed and active players
\u272a Be a team player

If you are interested in more, then please join our public channel: DG on the Rocks '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 00:36:50
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