

Ticker KOKSS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Karlina Atradeja
Members 17
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98202254

Members [17]


u'NOTE - WH\'s have 100% No Door/Incarna, and suport limited ship spinning.

Delta Force Rangers (KOKSS) is a wormhole based corporation. We occupy a class 5 wormhole with a static class 3

About Delta Force Rangers.
Delta Force Rangers are a small sized wormhole corporation that need more members to take advantage of all the sites we can run. We are really easy going and let our members dictate their own agendas, after all, Real life comes first.

What we can offer to you:

- A place to call HOME

- PVE operations of all kind (combat anomalies, data/relic sites, gas sites)

- PVP trips around (defensive and offensive fleets)

- Our own TS3 server

- A friendly, helpful, and casual environment for members to grow and prosper

- All planets in our WH are open to all members to exploit as they see fit

- Opportunities for advancement and promotion inside the corp based on avilability, reliability, activity, experience, and most of all dedication

- Relax style of gameplay (we do not force people to play, we want to make them so they want to play with us, not be forced to do so).

- No BS.

- No politics.

- Symbolic tax rate 0.1%

The minimum requirement for joining:

- Mature players, preferably over 17 years old of age

- Must be willing to at least listen on TS3 during your play time. The server is up 24/7

- We want to find group of people who don\u2019t want to be the elite of elites but who want to enjoy this game, and play with us for F U N

- Must be resourceful (be able to find answers on your own when no one can help)

- We do not have minimum sp requirement \u2013 if you want to try WH\u2019s and it\u2019s your playstyle, just come and play with us, you will find your place here.

To Enquire about joining us, visit the "REC_ON" Channel and have a chat with any of our members, or EVE-mail to Torenc .

Need for now pilots hoo can fly atleast one off such ships:
2. Archon
3. Thanatos
4. Moros
5. Naglafar
6. Revelation
7. Noctis'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 20:16:29
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