

Name DISmantle
Ticker DSMTL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo IMan Dyatanine
Members 6
Tax Rate 4.9%
corporationID 98487030

Members [6]


DISmantle is a hi-sec mining corp located in the Heimatar region.

We have an engineering complex for reprocessing and manufacturing. It will be available to all members of the corp with 0 taxes.

We run daily mining operations with orca support, using Rens as a trade hub. If your a new pilot looking for some support out on the belts, or a mining veteran looking for a new scene were happy to have you.

DISmantle is actively recruiting! If your a bit nervous about getting involved with a new corp feel free to contact IMan Dyatanine and mine with us a few times (if you mine with a DISmantle fleet your not required to sell your ore, however if you do there willi be a 10% tax levied for all non-corp fleet mates).

What DISmantle offers:
- Daily mining operations with orca support.
- Complimentary mining supplies (crystals, ships, modules, upgrades etc...)
- Ore buy back program at hek value minus 4.9%
- Access to the engineering complex with 0 taxes for reprocessing, manufacturing and research.

Public channel: DISmantle_pub

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 00:00:26
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