

Damadil Innovation and Excavation Inc.
Name Damadil Innovation and Excavation Inc.
Ticker DAMAD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Michael vonKastell
Members 20
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98453200

Members [20]


u'As a new player on an ever-changing and challenging market, Damadil Innovation and Excavation Inc. (DAMAD) strives for perfection in serving our steadily growing base of customers. Our Scientists, Engineers and Resource Harvesting Specialists work all on one purpose: to bring a broad variety of the finest products to you, the brave capsuleers of New Eden, helping you in every way to fulfill your dreams and achieve the greatness you deserve: Whether you\u2019re aiming for crushing your enemies, discovering the secrets of the galaxy or harvesting the riches space has to offer: DAMADs variety of CONCORD approved ships, modules, rigs, drones and ammunition will ensure you an advantage over your competitors.

(Disclaimer: Our Legal Department demanded us to make clear that all goods produced by DAMAD are in fact of exactly the same specifications as comparable goods produced by our competitors. When using a DAMAD product results may vary because of operator skill level and numbers of involved parties in competition. Goods produced by DAMAD may however feel superior to goods produced by our competitors because of a little magic sparkle and our strong wish to assure consumer happiness are added to the raw materials of each production job.)

Based in High Sec, DAMAD honors the brave pioneers who are living in null sec and w-space, driven by a spirit of entrepreneurship and lust for adventure. To salute these heroes of New Eden and honor their decision to go beyond the frontiers of empire space, DAMADs Stealth Bombers and other CovertOP Crafts are out there, eager and willing to contribute to the thrill of danger that led EVEs finest pilots in the lawless abyss of deep space. Please keep in mind: we won\u2019t bill anyone for this service \u2013 it is our gift to these brave men and women and our way to show our commitment to the community of EVE Online.

If you want to contact us, you can do so in English or German. For any diplomatic issues, please contact Shaives Nabru.

DAMAD has open vacancies and is awaiting your application! See full job profile here:
Damadil Innovation and Excavation Inc.

Fly Safe \u2013 fly a ship produced by DAMAD!

(Disclaimer: Safety of space travel does not necessarily depend on the manufacturer of the ship in use. The safety of your travel may depend on your current location, planned destination, route, choice of vessel, operator skill level, use of a cloaking device, value of your fitted modules and/or goods in your cargo hold and extent of other pilots desire to blow you up as well as various other factors.)

Testimonials from our happy Customers and Partners:

Forss Fagerstrom: Praise DAMAD o7
Marcus Kann: Ich w\xfcnsche Ihrer Mutter in Todesangst in naher Zukunft sterben ;)
Werlet: If I spoke Deutsch I would apply to your corp, this is great! Thank you for the experience, and for a very good lesson in W-Space travel. I must say I am impressed.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 08:30:34
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