

Dark Cloak Inc
Name Dark Cloak Inc
Ticker DKCL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Yvone Byrars
Members 21
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98585464

Members [21]


Business Plan:
1. Explore EvE
2. Gank the gankers
3. ?
4. Profit

Public Channel: DKCL Public

Generally Haunting:

1. Domain
2. Tash-Murkon


1. Have fun - If you are not having fun, do something different.
2. Respect the people that play EvE - No ganking, PvP is for 0.4 and lower.
3. Remember it's just a game - If you got to low/null sec PvP happens, All this cool stuff is just awesome graphics and imagination.

Recruitment: OPEN

We're a PvE corp exploring the depths of EvE. We mostly focus on exploration, mining and industry. Our roots go back nearly to the beginning of EvE. Started in 2008, went to the dark side for a bit, left the game for a bit, returned and rebuilt. Over the years, our core officers have experienced most of the PvP that EVE has to offer (massive fleets, small gangs shutting down whole regions, blowen up ships/pods/stations, and in turn been blown up). We've fought along side some of the best players in EvE and even owned stations in NULL-SEC.

Today, we are now just out to have fun exploring. Our CEO is a rather well known science-fiction and fantasy author IRL who who just wants to kick around with people who enjoy sci-fi and are willing to explore EvE like a series of books. Our members put REAL LIFE before EvE, know the difference between casual and serious play, and understand that EVE is just a game. A great one, to be sure, but just a game!

We are playing the long game. Patience and planning are key for the future. Our members must all make sure to not impact the corporation's factional standings nor our reputation with other players. We help when we can, we blue wrecks if we aren't going to salvage them ourselves, we do not gank other players, we do not hunt miners in lowsec. We do explore, fight off gankers, and sometimes mine other players in null sec.

We have a low tax rate to help pay the alliance and operating bills and to sponsor the YouTube videos our CEO makes from time to time.

What we are looking for:
1. Prefer Non-Alpha characters
2. Exploration, Mining and Industrial leaning directions.
3. Good faction standings (you can work the plan, we'll help too).
4. Love of the stories in EvE

HQ: Pimebeka

Contact Hokum Penumbra or Yvone Byrars for recruitment questions.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 22:55:43
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