

Dark Knights Flight Squad
Name Dark Knights Flight Squad
Ticker DKFS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Kitieara DuOrden
Members 3
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 642850775

Members [3]


Official Press Release:

DKFS officially opened its recruitment doors to the general public in Feb 2007. following inital set-up, corporate offices were established in Empire and lowsec.

The corporation quickly developed its industrial base, reforming is already significant Mining Division, low sec and empire mining and production have led DKFS to become one of the principle suppliers of ships and mods in its region of operation.

Now fully established, profits are good and weekly wages are paid to members.

Free ships of all classes are available to members (see note 1). Ventrilo is used for all communication, as well as a dedicated forum and killboard.

DKFS welcomes applications from dedicated miners and producers, as well as limited positions for PVP specialities. If you want to build, and be part of a productive corp DKFS could be for you.

Please mail Zorth Athall for more details.

(note 1: Terms and Conditions full details available on request).

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 19:10:18
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