

Dark Star Militia Reserves
Name Dark Star Militia Reserves
Ticker BSUNR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Kregal
Members 1
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 1244367144

Members [1]


Welome to the Dark Side!

Dark Stars was formed at the outset of Factional Warfare as a means for new players to enlist in the Militia.
(Normally newbies must have a Faction standing of .5 to enlist.)
We have a high enough Corporate standing that will cover new pilots wishing to join.

Our mission is to have fun, and to help new players learn the ins & outs of Eve.
We'll help you with mission running, which boosts your Faction standings, and puts ISK in your wallet..
Ratting! Yes, killing NPC pirates is also fun, and this will improve your security status. And guess what? This also pays you a bounty for each pirate you kill, and so puts ISK in your wallet.
And you will gain the experience that you'll need to be competetive in the world, whether or not you decide to stay in our corp.

In Factional Warfare, you will fly into enemy territory, destroy enemy ships and installations.
You can join a fleet, and be part of large roving gangs that scour the spacelances, looking for enemies to destroy.

We do have two hard and fast rules.
2. You must maintain a positive security status while you are a member of our corporation.

Any violation of either of these two rules will be grounds for immediate dismissal. No whining, no second chances. We tell you this up-front, so there will be no excuses later on.

If these two rules do not fit what you want to gain from Eve, then please do not apply. We all want to enjoy our gaming experience, and help the new players develop as we grow as a corporation.

So if you think you're ready to blow stuff up, make some new friends and help defeat the Amarr, press the little button that says "APPLY TO JOIN" on our coporation information page..

Any questions you may have just send eve-mail to Bebe Lestrange, and she will get back to you as soon as possible.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 01:42:26
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