

Dark Wolf Development
Name Dark Wolf Development
Ticker DVVD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Shizaam Atoch
Members 2
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1422520201

Members [2]


u'DwD is a Null Sec Corporation.

-We operate on a democratic level with very strong leadership.
-We have few requirements one being a working mic, and if your in game we want to hear your voice.
-We have a strong Industrial Backbone with more than adequate logistics.
-We have a strong PvP discipline which leads to our great success.
-We are an Anti Drama club, No one wants to hear you whine, but we are very quick to help our members.
-We are open to recruitment but We are Very Selective

-We are Dark Wolf Development.

-We Fly together We Kill together and We Die together.
- - - - - - - -\u033f \u033f \u033f\u033f\u033f\u033f\'\u033f\'\\\u033f\u033f\u0335\u0347\\=((\u2022\u032a\u25cf))=/\u033f\u033f\u0335\u0347/\'\u033f\u033f \u033f \u033f- - - - - - - -

*For more info please contact Trila Amess

Complaint Department .!..\u51f8(\u25e3_\u25e2)\u51f8..!.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 18:32:31
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