

Deep Stage
Name Deep Stage
Ticker RT66
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Fezzod
Members 9
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1007174493

Members [9]


A group of old friends and new ones making our mark in EVE. All players welcome from the newest to the oldest.

Wyn Pharoh

Mitri> lol i flash for isk

Wolf Leadr > Hey at least we didnt leave mitri to die

Draga Lister > you can just see it as he strolls in loin cloth flapping as he walks up to the receptionists desk and goes " Hey babe check out the size of my battleaxe" ! LOL

Wolf Leadr > meh everyone is a cliche prhase machine just waiting to be turned on

Gliderian > how do we turn you on wolf?

Gliderian > wait a sec... oh shit that don't sound right

Mitri > i bring dirty every where i go

FarMand > Bare-chested man hug anyone?

FarMand > typeing is for savages

Space Scooterman > /emote rends shirt, grabs a stick, and dances around a bonfire

fothern > /emote strokes his basilisk like a big soft pussycat

fothern > /emote hears his basilisk purrrrr in return

FarMand > "I'm a little Hauler, Short and Stout, this is my Cargo, this is my Route. When I see a War Target, I Scream and Shout, Pop a Cyno and Jump on out."

secondmind > if you left eternalhate in charge of the forums you'd come back and the foums would be on fire, he'd just kinda shrug and walk away

secondmind > and i learned mitri will slap you while shagging your brains out, yelling say my name bitch!

Fezzod > I can see it now.. *whap* THINK FOR YOURSELF GODDAMMIT *whap*

Mitri > and in tonites obscure international news in a Canadian province called Saskatewin some enraged female managed to completely anhilate an entire city using a rubber band, a paperclip and some chewing gum...

Space Scooterman > IRL concord wife is much harder to escape than EVE concord

Demigun > That time of the month is awsome, Then sex doesn't interfere with eve !

Nephilims Eyes > mmmmm harry nipples are the best

Wyn Pharoh > you'll never be cheap mitri...perhaps marginally affordable, but not cheap

Cannch > I stopped my warp. I've had a love afair with this SMA that just won't quit.

Deep Stage: A procedure in which a contestant positions a vehicle slightly over the starting line, (while still maintaining official staged status), either by accidentally rolling forward or in an attempt to gain a reaction time advantage. In that position, the driver is closer to the finish line but dangerously close to a foul start.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 07:36:32
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