

Deep Void Merc Syndicate
Name Deep Void Merc Syndicate
Ticker DV-MS
Alliance -
Faction Gallente Federation
Ceo Phox Jorkarzul
Members 4
Tax Rate 5.5%
corporationID 98146951

Members [4]


u'\u201cFor the Federation\u201d

Personal freedom and belief that strong individuals create a stronger Federation has always been at the center of the Gallente Federation and its people. Looking to bring this liberties to all of New Eden the Federation created the Federation Defense Union and founded the Gallente Militia, for the capsuleers of New Eden. With freedom and justice at stake the Miltia continues to fight on and always will remain on the front lines to insure the security of the Federation and its people.

Deep Void Merc Syndicate was founded based on the same principles of the Federation. Believing that a strong core group of pilots will be able to turn the tide of the war, DV-MS is open for recruiting. It is looking for more people that what to join the fight.

Never Pheed the Troll

Recruitement Status: OPEN


5 mil SP minimum, exceptions possible
TS3 with a working mic
Positive and mature attitude
Live in lowsec
Be self sufficient
Participate in corp and alliance OPS
Have interest in PvP

What we provide:

PvP in Gallente FW Lowsec
Alliance and Corp OPS
Corp Logistics
Corp Market
Doctorine ships and skillbooks
Oppertunities for ranking
A good core group of people that are layed back, have fun and blow up some spacepixels

Murder Board

Come idle in our public channel \u201cDeep Void Public\u201d

CEO, Diplo and Recruitment
Phox Jorkarzul
Recruitment Only
Makrov Putin
Estella Osoka

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 18:22:30
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