

Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
Name Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
Ticker DOFAA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo T'ien Kaneda Clone
Members 1
Tax Rate 7.3%
corporationID 98662494

Members [1]


Welcome to The Department of Anthropology and Archeology

We currently operate in High Security space with plans expand to meet our Greater Alliance in Low Security space and eventually explore beyond in (REDACTED) space and (REDACTED).

We Have 2 main departments in our division as well as several expanded departments we work closely with regularly in our Alliance.

Exploration Department - The primary way we learn about the history of ancient cultures of New Eden.

Research and Development Department - Our exploration brings various Artifacts into our possetion, we study these artifacts, and what we learn, we apply to development of new technologys.

We are a proud division of he Free Delivery Alliance, this grant us the freedom to focus on our tasks by supporting us in many ways. This is a small list of the benefits our partnered corperations afford us.

(Corperation names Redacted from public viewing for security reasons)

-Security (REDACTED(PvP,PvE,Fleet))
-Mineing, Refineing, and Ore buyback (REDACTED(Fleet,Friends))
-WORMHOLE, Orientation, Exploration, and (REDACTED)(Everything in WH you could want or need you got friends)

The DofAA (us) is a corp that wants to make RP an option (it is not manditory by any means)

our main goal is to provide a fun social atmosphere for all the people we hang out with in discord as well as creating content that we can enjoy togeather.

Stop by and get to know us.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 03:25:02
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