u'Deutsche Divisionen-Fleet Managemant:
ist das Zentrale Flett-Managemant innerhalb der Deutschen Divisionen.Hauptaufegabe der Corporation ist:Das Controlling,der reibungslosen Ablauf s\xe4mtlicher Fleetverb\xe4nde im Null-Sec,wie auch die Einsatzplanung der Fleets,Ships,Personal/Piloten f\xfcr das gesamte Deutsche Divisionen Konglomerat.
Sind hier ausgeschlossen,da diese Corporation nur der Abteilung Fleet und Ships Managemant dient!
German Division-Fleet Managemant:
is the central Flett management within the German divisions. The main task of the corporation is:
The controlling, the smooth running of all fleet formations in the null-sec/security area, as well as the operational planning of the Fleets,ships, personnel/pilots for the entire German division conglomerate.
Contact options:
Are excluded here because this corporation only serves the Fleet and Ships department!
Deutsche Divisionen Website:
Deutsche Divisionen Vorstand:
Admin/AS Centurion,CEO/Yakazuma1972
Offizielle Website:
Deutsche Divisionen-Fleet Managemant 2019-2024
Member of Alliance Das Deutsche Konglomerat
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 15:08:01