

Diatomic Compound Munitions Industries
Name Diatomic Compound Munitions Industries
Ticker DCM8
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Demetri El'kaar
Members 9
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 98155546

Members [9]


Fueling the Stength of the State.

Diatomic Compound Muntitions is dedicated to the advance of product lines that help secure and defend State assets.

Starting it's life as a munitions manufacturer on Uedama VI, Diatomic Compound Muntitions gained momentum when it won contracts for the local system's Spacelane Patrol. Securing several manufacturing plants on Moon 8 to support the sudden high demand, more contracts were secured and D.C.M has now begun to push products into outlying systems.

D.C.M holds it tech close to its heart and is tight on letting anyone unknown into its inner circles.

It is rumored that D.C.M has an R&D devision that is funded by shadow investors from throughout the State and abroad that are interested in several product lines that have not yet come to market. This could also be the means by which D.C.M has risen in the State in a relatively short space of time. A matter that D.C.M have no comment on.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 08:06:54
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