

Die Adlige
Name Die Adlige
Ticker DIDLI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Hilde Eberhart
Members 2
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98647247

Members [2]


Worttrennung: Ad|li|ge
Verwandte Form: Adelige

Adel verpflichtet. "eine h\xf6here gesellschaftliche Stellung verpflichtet zu Verhaltensweisen, die von anderen nicht unbedingt erwartet werden."

Adelig ist, wer in eine adelige Familie geboren wurde oder sich den Adel durch Besitz oder Verdienst erworben hat. Zun\xe4chst der Kaiser, sp\xe4ter auch K\xf6nig oder Herzog, konnten Personen in den Adelsstand heben.
Der Adel war es, der das politische, soziale und in weiten Teilen auch das kulturelle Geschehen im Land bestimmen konnte.

Now, What do we really do.....
We provide you with detailed information on Corporations and users.
We ease your recruiting doubts by checking every detail there is to find about the caracter / Corporation.
Next to that, we RP all the way, Our mails, our tactics, our local chat and EVE Mails are all in topic,
"Die Adlige" This is Off course Hilde "The Lady of the house".
If you have the chance, avoid Hilde..... (i mean it) - the trouble is, Hans isn\xb4t the brightest so that might also be a bad idea.
Ah well, If you like to try our services, you pay 50% ahead and 50 on delivery.
If we have not found anything you already knew about the person no fee\xb4s are due.

Costs per pilot.
750 Mil per Char, for every +2 characters checked you pay 50 mil less until the 400 Mio, is reached after that the price will stay the same.
(This is a Long trust credit, even if you check 3 people in a year the 3rd is dicounted)
1 - 750 Million
2 - 750 Million
3 - 700 Million
4 - --
5 - 650 Million

Do you want to know where they are, how they get from a to b, their routes, stations, their friends, where they live and where they play.
A full report, with possible infiltration by a "newbro" or if needed "Oldbro" .
This can be discussed with us, prices will be kept confidential.

if you came till here, plz dont make us work, plz dont trust us with your isk, because sadly, we will do a good job and deliver a full report.
Trust, or not.. your choice.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-01-20 07:15:20
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