

Dino Cleanup Crew
Name Dino Cleanup Crew
Ticker JANTR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Cleanup aisle 8
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98368136

Members [1]


Offering a buy back service to members of TEST.

We will be buying for 90% Jita buy.

Rubbish we WILL collect
* All rat loot, salvage and exploration loot that isn't on the Rubbish we WON'T collect list.
* Tier 2 and higher items from this list that have an imediate use or are Tier 3 or higher.
* Sleeper loot

Rubbish we WON'T collect:
* Illegal items
* T2/faction crystals
* Non-compressed ore
* BPC/BPO - talk to us first
* Minerals

How it works:
Step 1: Set your hanger to details, copy all of the items you want to get rid of and paste into the box on
Step 2: Multiply the total Jita BUY from eveprasial by 0.9 (AKA 90%).
Step 3: Create a private item exchange contract to Dino Cleanup Crew corporation.
Step 4: In step 3/4 of the contract put the calculated number into the "I will receive" box.
Step 4: Copy the permalink and put it in the contract description.
Step 5: Send contract with a 1 week length.
Step 6: Profit!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 01:25:01
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